Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

The Week Avery Johnson Got Fired

Instead of assessing the possibility that another interim coach and possibly a permanent role of a basketball team in the NBA, coach mocks fraternity in general, all the trips made by other offices as before firing a chief elder. This introduction is very detailed and dry, as is the way coaches talk. I hate when other coaches are fired, even if the shot (Brooklyn Nets Avery Johnson released Thursday) translates into a friend and former colleague (PJ Carlesimo) gain support for a spell.
San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich is former colleague and current interim coach Carlesimo Nets assistant was on the team for five seasons Popovich. Nets coach Avery Johnson, the first, however, Popovich has worked with a player both Golden State (where Pop was an assistant coach) and San Antonio. Popovich, for years, heard all kinds of criticism that Johnson was not big enough or fast enough or shots to take their talent Spurs for title. Avery was, however, that put the Spurs on top in Game 5 of the NBA Finals in 1999, hitting a pair of jumpers to seal the reference.
Patience by Popovich payment. This is why it is more than a little annoying while using very dry treatment, and the dismissal of Johnson. In practice Friday, quoted by the San Antonio Express-News MacDonald, Jeff:

"Of course, many of us were surprised to see what happened in Brooklyn. From my point of view, Avery is a good coach is a good coach. This is one hell of a coach.'s Proven that. Not many of us out there that have won 67 games in a season. took a team in the final. If I remember correctly, was coach of the month. kind of shows what a fickle and volatile business you are in. We all know that. Avery knows.
"Often, these types of situations that have nothing to do with the ability of the coach. Has more to do with circumstances.'ve Seen before. I can not help thinking sometimes a little patience can go a long way.
"Do you think ... I think the coaches Dean Smith, have a little effigy in his honor at the beginning, when things were not going well. Bois Johnny had a hard time at first. Mike Krzyzewski, probably our best basketball coach we have today, things were not going well at first. had an AD who was clever enough to know what he had. exhibited a lot of patience, so now you see where K is the coach. I think we all understand that . But circumstances, especially in the NBA, have more to do with how good or bad shooting coach does. unfortunately. But everyone else had, including Avery ".
(Gregg Popovich has influence as brothers basketball coach is allowed to call John Wooden "Johnny." This is a black AMEX card for ages, friends).
The Johnson shooting foul, even though we try to move away from what Deron Williams poor play typical result. It has been classified as potentially the best point guard in the NBA of years ago in Utah, strange people who were not aware of how Chris Paul was brilliant, and spoke as a star of the franchise that changes during its passage to the Nets . So far in 2012-13, played below standard. His work in motion attacking style could change the fate of the team that was able to pull defenders away from his teammates with his keen sense of the notation, and yet Williams was a total waste of a team. 500.
Ends reality, however, is that Avery Johnson could not create a crime that makes every one of their biggest offensive threats in the world rhythms markers. Popovich is right when he calls a "very good coach," but he did a good job coaching this team this season. As happened in 2006, when Johnson stubbornly stuck to the same Dwyane Wade defensive and sent to the free throw line (if my memory recalls) 29,000 times per game in the NBA Finals this year.
Avery Johnson is a crime, usually trying to find a way to your heart's right wing, and that was the problem. Gregg Popovich is not a crime. Damn, no defense. It has a series of constant rotation from year to year depending on the template, but it will be the first to say how lucky he is to have Tim Duncan anchoring of these changes in the last decade and a half. True, you can see the strings play a consistent call between the pop of the late 1990s and the teams are - was on NBA TV narratives help in this regard - but basically, considered as the league coach more stubborn reality is one of the most flexible in the league.
There must be. The league, and his job requires. Avery Johnson, for whatever reason, are trying to learn. He also learned that players like superstars hype can turn hesitant when it comes time to get to the rim.
Popovich was right to defend his former player. Botched happy work by spending a lot of money from his ownership group met with inflated expectations and a superstar who is not playing like a star GM. Mix in some injuries and a tough schedule in December and will have a criminal .500 after 28 games.
Avery Johnson, however, was not yet the right man to lead this mess. We do not know who he is, but we can be sure that playing Brooklyn Avery not fix something so early.

Source : http://sports.yahoo.com/

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